Ansty Village Planning
All Wiltshire Planning Applications are submitted to Wiltshire Council and it is their responsibility to decide whether a Planning Application is approved or rejected. Most frequently applications are approved with ‘Conditions’ attached to the Consent. Wiltshire Council employ Planning specialists to review the applications and this includes assessing the proposals in relation to Planning legislation, Neighbourhood plans, Planning guidance etc. In addition Wiltshire Council consult other parties for their views on an application. So if the application is relevant to Ansty, then Ansty Parish Council is asked for their views. Other consultees might include Wiltshire Highways, Wiltshire Environmental Health, Cranborne Chase AONB.
Ansty Parish Council welcomes feedback from its parishioners, so that as many views as possible are taken into account when the Parish Council makes its response to a Planning Application. In addition any parishioner can submit their own response to Wiltshire Council regarding a Planning Application and there is a facility for doing this online. All Ansty Parish Planning Applications are added to our website and the most recent ones are listed below.
Click here to see details concerning Ansty Parish Council Planning & Listed Building Consultations.
To view the documents for a Planning Application you can click on the Planning Application Number (in blue) in the table below.
Dear Residents
This is to let you know that the parish council is being consulted by Wiltshire Council on the planning applications noted below. If you have views on any planning application and you would like the Parish Council to consider them prior to them responding, then please let me have these by the date noted below. You may as an alternative, or in addition, make comments directly to the Planning Department at Wiltshire Council. These need to be received by Wiltshire Council before the end of the consultation period shown.
When considering Planning Applications, it is often necessary to consult the Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Document which was formally adopted on 20 January 2015. The plan provides a positive and flexible overarching planning policy framework for Wiltshire for the period up to 2026.
- Parishioners are advised that the following Planning Applications are currently under consultation. The Parish Council welcomes your views when considering any new planning applications or send your comments direct via the Wiltshire Planning website.
- Relevant issues when applications are considered refer to: The Wiltshire Core Strategy Development Plan Policy; Government Guidance; Highway Safety and Traffic; Design, Appearance and Layout; Effect of the level of daylight and privacy; Conservation Aspects; Need to safeguard the countryside within an AONB and Noise, disturbance and smells.
- The following are NOT relevant planning matters and cannot be considered: Effect on surrounding property values; Loss of a private view; Inconvenience or other problems caused by building works; Matters covered by other laws; Private Property rights; Possible future development; The fact development may have already started; Trade Objections based on competition and Moral objections.
Recent Planning Applications in Ansty Village
Planning App Number | Address | Description | Comments Deadline | Decision |
PL/2024/10604 | ANSTY MANOR, HIGH STREET, ANSTY, SALISBURY, SP3 5QD | Works to roof | 09-01-2025 | |
PL/2024/11275 | MAYPOLE COTTAGE, HIGH STREET, ANSTY, SALISBURY, SP3 5QD | Tree works | 08-01-2025 | No Objection |
PL/2024/10788 | ANSTY MANOR, HIGH STREET, ANSTY, SALISBURY, SP3 5QD | Tree works | No objection | |
PL/2024/09716 | Hillside Farm Ansty Coombe Lane, SP3 5PY | Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area | 19-11-2024 | No Objection |
PL/2024/07495 | 75 , HIGH STREET, ANSTY, SALISBURY, SP3 5QD | Replace 2 no. windows with new timber double glazed windows | 12-09-2024 | Approve with conditions |
PL/2024/05097 | ANSTY MANOR, HIGH STREET, ANSTY, SALISBURY, SP3 5QD | Proposed Works to Trees in a Conservation Area | 28/06/2024 | No Objection |
PL/2024/01988 | Ansty Plum, High Street, Ansty | Ansty Plum works to trees | 18-03-2024 | No Objection |
PL/2024/02837 | Holly House, Ansty Coombe Lane, Ansty | Felling an ash tree | 09-04-2024 | No Objection |
2023 | ||||
PL/2023/10541 | Maypole Cottage, High St, Ansty | Fell holly tree to ground level – Notification of proposed works to trees in a conservation area | 29-12-2023 | No Objection |
PL/2023/09033 (Added late) | Meadow Cottage, Kings Lane, Ansty | Removal of condition 10 of PL/2022/07945 relating to the finish floor levels of the proposed extension | 28-11-2023 | Approve with Conditions |
PL/2023/09250 Listed Building Works | 83 High Street, Ansty | Enlarged area of glazed roof to rear porch compared with that granted approval by application number 16/02474/FUL | 07-12-2023 | Approve with Conditions |
PL/2023/08820 Householder Application | 83 High Street, Ansty | Enlarged area of glazed roof to rear porch compared with that granted approval by application number 16/02474/FUL | 07-12-2023 | Approve with Conditions |
PL/2023/07226 | Ansty House, Ansty | Alterations and repair to existing house and replacement garage in conservation area. (Revised Plans/Documents (20/10/23) | 09-11-2023 | Approve with conditions |
Click on the link below to view specific Archived Planning Application details for Ansty
Ansty Planning Applications 2017 to 08-12-2023 v75
Wiltshire Planning-Building Control Search